Network Biology-Inspired Machine Learning Features Predict Cancer Gene Targets and Reveal Target Coordinating Mechanisms

Taylor M. Weiskittel, Andrew Cao, Kevin Meng-Lin, Zachary Lehmann, Benjamin Feng, Cristina Correia, Cheng Zhang, Philip Wisniewski, Shizhen Zhu, Choong Yong Ung, Hu Li

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Anticipating and understanding cancers’ need for specific gene activities is key for novel therapeutic development. Here we utilized DepMap, a cancer gene dependency screen, to demonstrate that machine learning combined with network biology can produce robust algorithms that both predict what genes a cancer is dependent on and what network features coordinate such gene dependencies. Using network topology and biological annotations, we constructed four groups of novel engineered machine learning features that produced high accuracies when predicting binary gene dependencies. We found that in all examined cancer types, F1 scores were greater than 0.90, and model accuracy remained robust under multiple hyperparameter tests. We then deconstructed these models to identify tumor type-specific coordinators of gene dependency and identified that in certain cancers, such as thyroid and kidney, tumors’ dependencies are highly predicted by gene connectivity. In contrast, other histologies relied on pathway-based features such as lung, where gene dependencies were highly predictive by associations with cell death pathway genes. In sum, we show that biologically informed network features can be a valuable and robust addition to predictive pharmacology models while simultaneously providing mechanistic insights.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number752
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2023


  • gene dependency
  • systems biology
  • systems pharmacology

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Molecular Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Drug Discovery


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