An Adaptable Platform to Promote Patient Health Through Adherence to Treatment and Prevention

Project: Research project

Project Details


Project Summary/Abstract Minnesota HealthSolutions Corporation in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic proposes to develop an adaptable platform to support patients with behavior change to improve adherence to treatment and prevention for multiple chronic diseases. The proposed platform will utilize remote monitoring combined with health coaching to create behavior change aimed at improving self-management and quality of life. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of disability and death worldwide and an estimated one in three adults has one or more chronic conditions. Self-monitoring of many chronic conditions has become common and mobile health interventions have proliferated. Yet the effectiveness of many such interventions has not yet been thoroughly assessed. Additionally, the increase in mobile health interventions has highlighted disparities and barriers to its use. Minnesota HealthSolutions and the Mayo Clinic have previously collaborated to develop an effective home- based pulmonary rehabilitation system that provides remote monitoring and health coaching to promote self- management. The system has been evaluated in two large randomized controlled trials and shown significant results in both adherence and outcomes. We believe that an adaptable system can be created that can be utilized to address many common chronic conditions. The proposed system will be cost-effective, scalable, and feasible for widespread implementation for chronic diseases.
Effective start/end date9/15/239/14/24


  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: $310,948.00


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