Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Asthma management; Science of healthcare delivery; Stepping down chronic asthma medications; severe asthma; costs of care associated with asthma management; chronic rhinosinusitis pathophysiology and management; safety of allergen immunotherapy; quality and safety in allergy and asthma care; systematic review and meta-analysis, analysis of observational data; survey research; comparative effectiveness research; clinical prediction rules; person-centered medical care; training healthcare researchers

Research interests

Asthma management; Science of healthcare delivery; Stepping down chronic asthma medications; severe asthma; costs of care associated with asthma management; chronic rhinosinusitis pathophysiology and management; safety of allergen immunotherapy; quality and safety in allergy and asthma care; systematic review and meta-analysis, analysis of observational data; survey research; comparative effectiveness research; clinical prediction rules; person-centered medical care; training healthcare researchers

External positions

Faculty, Phoenix Children's Hospital

Jul 1 2012 → …

Faculty, Phoenix Children's Hospital

Jul 1 2012 → …


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